SSL Digital Certificates

What is it, and what is a Digital Certificate? A Digital Certificate, serves to keep communications between a customer and website completely private. Despite using the "public internet", data sent and received is fully protected as it is encrypted. With and SSL certificate, you can encrypt all communications between users and your site/software in a simple and secure way. For example, if you run an E-Commerce Website, having an SSL Certificate enhances its credibility, thereby giving your potencial customers greater confidence to transact on your Website .

Descrição Thawte SSL 123 Thawte Web Server
Segurança Validação de Domínio Validação de Domínio e Entidade
Garantia 100k USD 250k USD
Custo Anual 64,90 € + IVA 119,90 € + IVA

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229 380 950

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  • Praça dos Pescadores, Nr. 41, 9ºDt. 4450-222 Matosinhos Portugal
  • 229 380 950
  • [email protected]
  • VATID: 505083990

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